Story So Far
I am a TE Instrumentation student and now I greatly
appreciate this course because Instrumentation is an endless field, everyday I
learn something new here. Let me introduce you all about my journey till now...
Before I chose
Instrumentation as a career option
Like other students, I was very confused about my
career. I was the topper of my school, topper in extra-curricular activities
but still I didn’t know what to do in future. Everybody in my friend circle was
dreaming about being an engineer and so I also told my parents that I am
choosing engineering for life. But after releasing “Taare Zameen Par” movie, all
of my friends immediately changed their decisions. But my parents always wanted
me to be an engineer, they wanted me to do engineering not under any pressure
but from the bottom of my heart. And hence they started making me curious about
each and everything, how any simplest instrument in daily life is made, how
does it work, is there any solution for its drawbacks, is there any
alternative?... In this way they started making me more and more interested in
engineering. And then I decided to stick to my career decision firmly. I
searched about Instrumentation engineering because this field is a sandwich of
electrical, mechanical, computer, chemical and electronics engineering. And I
started working hard to get into this field.
First year of Engineering
I got Vivekanand college to follow my dreams. But
frankly speaking I suffered through a lot of criticism for choosing
Instrumentation field. According to my friends, people with good marks in JEE
MAINS and HSC board have many options like :
( NOTE: The sequence mentioned above is the preference by PEOPLE with good marks in descending order…I mean people with highest grades go for EXTC or Comps and people with less marks normally opt for one of the three mentioned in the end )
( NOTE: The sequence mentioned above is the preference by PEOPLE with good marks in descending order…I mean people with highest grades go for EXTC or Comps and people with less marks normally opt for one of the three mentioned in the end )
But there was a spark inside me that someday I will do
something greater than all these people and earn more respect than all of them.
The more they teased the more I wanted to learn about Instrumentation. I talked
to some of my seniors and I was very eager to finish my FE and to enter in
Second year to get involved in Instrumentation Engineering.
Second year of Engineering
So, as I said before, I was very happy while entering
in SE. I decided to do every course which will help me in building my
engineering career and make proud of myself. I concentrated more on core
subjects like Transducres-I and Transducers-II as well as Feedback Control
Systems , Electrical Networks and Analog Elctronics.
Project : Traffic Light Controller ( Feedback Control System mini
Project )
Increasing the
traffic handling capacity of roads.Reducing collisions, and reducing waiting
time for both vehicular and pedestrian.
unnecessary stopping and starting of traffic - this in turn reduces fuel
consumption, air pollution, noise and vehicle wear and tear.
To get more opportunities , I joined ISA-VESIT
Society. Since my seniors also went through the same criticism like me so they
are also willing to Raise The Standard of Automation with the
help of ISA society . This Society aims at strengthening its members’ technical
skills, and giving them an opportunity to apply their technical knowledge in a
practical way and gain some experience in the industry.I participated in
technical as well as non-technical events such as : Junkyard wars,Armageddon ,Survivor
, workshops and seminars such as : PCB workshop ,IoT workshop ,BE and Beyond
seminar. Everything enriched my knowledge.
LabVIEW Course
From the inception of an idea to the commercialization
of a widget, NI’s unique platform-based approach to engineering applications
has driven progress across a wide variety of industries. Central to this
approach is LabVIEW (Laboratory Virtual Instruments Engineering Workbench ),
a development environment designed specifically to accelerate the productivity
of engineers.
Instrumentation Department of VESIT organises course on "LabVIEW Core 1 and
Core 2" under NI VESIT LabVIEW academy every year. Graphical programming
syntax helped me to visualize, create, and code engineering systems and
translate ideas into reality.
Third year of Engineering
In this year , I wanted to go more deep in my field.
The core subjects in this year are Signal Conditioning and Circuit Design,
Applications of Microcontroller, Digital Signal Processing , Control System
Components and Process Instrumentation Systems and Power Electronics.
Project Done : Cell Phone Detector ( SCCD mini Project )
1) It can be
used to avoid the usage of mobile phones in examination halls, seminar halls,
quizzes etc.
2) It is used to avoid video transmission in a secret or private
meeting. For military and civil defence purposes to detect mobile phones by
increasing its radius of range this circuit is of immense use.
AIA Course
The most amazing and innovative week of my engineering
college life is the week when we were involved in AIA ( Automation Industry
Association ) course to get practical knowledge of Factory Automation.
In this course I learned about different Industrial
Sensors, motion control ,PLC, Integration Stand I & II and Pneumatics.
Based on what we learnt in this course , there was a “Project Idea Contest” which
was judged by Siemens and BnR industry experts. Also a seminar on IoT was held
by those experts. Our college teachers , our HOD sir and Principal ma’am helped
us in having interaction with Siemens Industry people.
Instrumentation Engineering according to me
scopes for an Instrumentation engineer are so wide ranging from a small
factory , shopping malls to as big as nuclear reactors…everyone needs an
instrumentation engineer.
With the development of new softwares like labVIEW( Laboratory
virtual instrumentation engineers workbench),SCADA,PLC,AUTOMATIX….etc the
interfacing with the DCS(digital control system) and DAQ(data acquisition
systems) and with development of DSP(digital signal processors) the work has
become more easier and more trustworthy.
I myself as an
instrumentation student is proud and happy for the decision I made few
years before about my career and I will always be a student in this field since
this field is endless ...
No one has
succeeded without criticism…!!!
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